Active Bond Funds Underperform
The fact that active mutual fund managers regularly underperform their benchmarks when it come to equities is well known. Now, evidence points to the same poor performance on the part of active bond managers.
The fact that active mutual fund managers regularly underperform their benchmarks when it come to equities is well known. Now, evidence points to the same poor performance on the part of active bond managers.
ETF Assets declined 9.1% or $45 billion for the month of Februrary according to the Snapshot report fromState Street Global Advisors. Equity assets declined the most as the S&P 500 fell 10.7% and the MSCI EAFE fell 10.2% for the month.
State Street recently launched the SPDR Barclays Capital Intermediate Term Credit Bond ETF (Ticker: ITR). The new ETF provides investors with precise, low-cost access to intermediate term bonds including investment grade corporate and non-corporate bonds with a maturity of 1 to 10 years.